Whitman Mission Web Quest



The Task

Many people have heard of the Whitman Mission but not many people realize the significant role it played in the history of Washington State.  You will be placed in a group of three for this project.  Your group's job will be to write a 2-4 page research paper that outlines the history of the Whitman's and their mission.  You will also create a time line that shows the significant events taking place in their lives.  Finally, after your research is complete, you will be asked to make a brochure for the National Parks Service.  This brochure will be given to travelers who visit the mission and should summarize your research.



The Process

1.  You will be assigned to a group of three.
2.  Your team will begin its research about the Whitman's and their life.
3.  Use the Research Checklist to guide you in your research.  This checklist will give you a great starting place for your research.
4.  You will use the Research Links to do your research.
5.  Write your 2-4 page research paper.
6.  Make an accurate timeline, with a brief description for each entry, that outlines the Whitman's lives.
7.  Make a National Parks Service brochure that gives a brief history of the Whitman Mission for travelers.  Your brochure should be illustrated and historically accurate.
8.  As you go through this process you should follow the Project Checklist to make sure you have completed all of your tasks.



How will you be graded?

There are several areas that you will be assessed on during this project.  Those areas will include participation in the group, meeting research requirements, and your final product.  Visit the Scoring Rubric to see more details.



Washington State History