Lewis and Clark Web Quest





In 1804 President Thomas Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery to travel across the continent of North America to map and explore a route to the Pacific Ocean.  This expedition was led by two men, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.  The journey began in St. Louis and ended about a year later at the mouth of the Columbia River.  Throughout their journey the Corps of Discovery encountered wild animals, hostile natives, sickness, hunger, and bad weather.  Their accomplishments and contributions to the United States are possibly as important as any other group's in history.



Your Task

With the bi-centennial anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition approaching there have been many different plans made to celebrate their accomplishments.  Your job, as a group, is to research the expedition and then design a monument in Washington State that will commemorate the Corps of Discovery's incredible journey.



The Process

1.  You will be assigned to a group of four.
2.  Your group will begin its research about the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
3.  Use the Research Checklist to guide you in your research.  This checklist will give you a great starting place to begin your research.
4.  You will use the Research Links to do your research.
5.  Each person in the group must keep a journal documenting their research. 
6.  Choose a site in Washington where you want to place your monument.
7.  Write a three-paragraph justification of why you chose this site.
8.  Design your monument.  You must describe in writing what this monument will look like, what it's going to be made of, and why you are making it the way that you are.
9.  Make a poster showing what the finished product of your monument will look like.
10.  As you go through this process you should follow the Project Checklist to make sure that you have completed all of your tasks.



How Will You Be Graded?

There are several areas that you will be assessed on during this project.  Those areas will include your participation in the group, meeting your research requirements, and your final product.  Visit the Scoring Rubric for more details on how you will be graded.



Washington State History