Welcome to the
ACH Scholarship Organization

ACH Scholarship Organization  


P.O. Box 191 
Almira, WA 99103


For more


Please contact:
Goldye Moyer
ACH Scholarship Organization
(509) 639-2667


E-mail Address: gmoyer@achsd.org



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Flowchart: Alternate Process: ACH Scholarship Organization

Instructions for Schoarships with Additional Criteria:

Almira Country Fair Association Scholarship
Word  /   PDF

Bessie McLean Memorial Scholarship
Word  /   PDF

Bob Nutt Memorial Scholarship:
Family Relationship Verification
Word  /   PDF
Sun Lakes Park Resort Employee Verification
Word  /   PDF

Coulee City Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Logan Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Word  /   PDF

Mitchell Real Estate Scholarship
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McKay Seed Company Scholarship
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Connie Behne Memorial Scholarship

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Corinna Lee Felker Memorial Scholarship

Word / PDF

AG Link Scholarship


Class of 2012 Legacy Scholarship

Word / PDF

St. Andrews Grange Scholarship
Word / PDF

Almira Fire Department—Frank Pendell Memorial Scholarship
Word / PDF






Important Documents:

High School Application -
Word   PDF

High School Additional Criteria Scholarship List - Word   PDF

College Application  - Word   PDF

College Additional Criteria Scholarship List - Word   PDF

ACH Scholarship Organization Main Page